Monday, December 20, 2010

The Big Test

We all remember this picture:Yep. Jack's first visit with Santa was less than friendly. It took years for him to warm up to him. Much different now, don't you think?
The big test was whether or not the twins would have the same horrified first reaction. Not a tear was shed. Instead they looked at him curiously and then obliged by looking at the camera :)


What better way to spend the afternoon than hanging out in the Tubberware drawer!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


The picture at the top of the blog is our official Christmas card picture. We quickly realized that wrangling 3 small children, 2 of whom have an affinity for climbing, scaling, and jumping, was no easy feat. This is result in approximately 200 outtakes. We did end up with a few to choose from and this was a close second.Most of the time though, we were dealing with stuff like this...

Simple Pleasures

One Slinky and two babies equals endless enjoyment

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Heritage Parade

We're a little behind in our posting. Sorry! Who knew that getting ready for Christmas with 3 kids (2 of whom who are on the verge of walking!) would be so time consuming?!?!

When we were in Charlottesville for Thanksgiving we went to the Holiday Heritage Parade on the Downtown Mall. It was so fun and the perfect way to kick off the holiday season. Jack had a blast waving at everyone and collecting candy and he even got to talk to Santa before he started on the parade route.

Will and Henry were not so interested but enjoyed the lounging.
Nana and Papa and their 3 grandsons!
Daddy and sweet Henry, taking in the sites.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

3 Children, Very Small Spaces

How many kids can you cram in a basket?How about a dog kennel? Apparently three, and they have a blast doing it!

Meeting His Hero

Finally, at the last home game of the season, Jack met his hero. The man he aspires to be. The one. The only. CavMan.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2 Babies, 1 Chair


Ok, so better late than never.

Halloween was so much fun this year. Having kids really makes everything more fun! Jack was Spiderman (just like 4 other boys in his class). He loved going from house to house while trick or treating even stopped by our house to show Nana his loot :)

The twins went as Thing One and Thing Two :)

Will and Daddy hanging out at a Halloween picnic.
The 3 amigos!
I mean, seriously. Could they be any cuter?!?!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I don't know why but this makes me laugh. I kept thinking that it looked like Will was eating with his feet :)

Getting Around...

When Jack was little, Mommy's good friend Sarah gave him a Radio Flyer wooden walker. We broke it out for the babies today and they couldn't have been more excited! Before today, they were only walking along the furniture. Now....see for yourself!

The wagon is perfect for 2 babies and notice how Henry "claps" by hitting himself on the head :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Good Old Song

Jack loves everything about the University of Virginia, especially the football games. He has memorized the Gold Old Song and can sing it by himself. Jack's Mommy and Daddy are 2 proud Wahoos!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Annual UVA Football Family Photo

Since Jack was 1 year old, we have taken an annual family photo. Its amazing to see how much he he has changed from year to year.

September 2007

September 2008
November 2009
October 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Inspiration Struck

I couldn't take it anymore. The mess. The toys EVERYWHERE. Jack's playroom constantly looking like a tornado just hit. I guess you could say that inspiration struck and I decided to get organized. I categorized almost all of Jack's toys and put them in designated baskets. The new rule is when he takes something out, he has to put it back in its basket. Much to my surprise, its working!!! His playroom is so much cleaner and he can actually find the toys he wants to play with!

Fartin' Spartans

Nana is a proud Michigan State alum and made sure that her boys were decked out in MSU socks to watch a game one Saturday!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Have Dog Bed, Will Sleep

Our poor babies have had a cold for FOUR weeks. That's right--four weeks of runny noses, congestion, coughs and sleepless nights :( The beginning was the worst and thankfully we have progressively gotten better. Let's hope there is no regression!

The sickness and lack of sleep was too much for Will one day. He laid down on the dog bed and fell sound asleep :( He even rolled over to get more comfortable and slept there for 3o minutes!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our Family

We were given a gift certificate when the twins were born for a free professional photography session. The pictures turned out great! Here are a few...