Can you believe these sweet boys are already 2 months old??!!! Actually they were two months old on the 3rd but their 2 month check up wasn't until last Thursday. Will and Henry are such a blessing and the trials and tribulations involved to get them here were well worth it! They have added to our life in ways we didn't even know were possible and our hearts burst every time they smile.
Now for the update:
Will weighed in at a whopping 13lbs and is 24 inches long! Will has been dubbed "the serious one" because he has a killer grimace and rarely smiles for the camera. However, he is actually super giggly and can coo up a storm. He is the messiest eater you'll ever meet, leaving lots of milk in one of his seven chins! As for looks, Daddy affectionately called him "Ginger" because of his pastey white skin (thanks Mom!), red hair and blue eyes.
As you can see, the boys are little chunkers who have earned the nicknames Chubbs McGee and Tubby Magoo. They eat 4-5oz of formula every 2 hours so they are getting roughly 25 oz a day!
They are barely fitting in 3 month clothing, leading Mommy to believe that she will have 3 strapping young lads towering over her in a few short years!
Life with twins has honestly not been nearly as difficult as we anticipated. Sure, it has its challenges that don't come along with just one baby. Nana is here to help out a lot but when she isn't Mommy and Daddy's man-to-man coverage doesn't work because we are obviously outnumbered. We committed ourselves from the very beginning to getting Will and Henry on the same eating schedule and this has been our life-saver. Although it goes against the age-old saying of "don't wake a sleeping baby" we decided to feed both babies at the same time, even if it meant waking one up. Honestly, it was the only way to survive because otherwise we would have run into the horrible issue of getting one baby back to sleep just in time for the next one to wake up to eat and Mommy and Daddy would never have slept. Now the boys are on the exact same schedule and everyone remains sane. However, it can become challenging when there is only one adult around to feed both babies but we have managed to figure it out.