Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Required Egg Hunt

We attended our church's egg hunt this year and we invited Jack's BFF, girlfriend, and future wife Miss Maya. A funny side note--Maya and Jack really have a love/hate relationship! A few weeks ago, Maya told Mary Grace and Jack told me that they weren't friends anymore. When I asked Jack why, he told me it was because Maya called him a "stinky butt"!!! A few days later, though, they were back to loving each other.

Jack and Maya are seriously too cute together!!The search for eggs was to be taken very seriously and Jack made sure to get right to work. Each child was allowed to find 11 eggs so Jack made sure to count after each one.
When he found a new one, he made sure to let everyone know it!
Will and Henry came along to observe so that in 2 years they would know exactly what to do and where to look. Our attempt at getting all 3 boys in a picture was fair, at best.
We did, however, manage to snap a great family photo. Thanks Mr. Felty!