Sunday, January 16, 2011

Up Next, Mount Everest

The babies can climb! Jack NEVER climbed like this. Sure he would try to get onto the couch or coffee table, but Will and Henry have taken it to a whole new level. Just a few examples:

--within 10 seconds of turning my back, Henry scaled the bar stool and was standing backwards on the seat and jumping up and down

--Will used the bottom 2 drawers in the kitchen to climb halfway into the 3rd drawer in an attempt to get onto the kitchen counter

--Henry climbs on the outside of the staircase and usually gets 3 to 4 stairs up before anyone notices

--they work together all day long to move toys around so that they have leverage to climb onto the couch, coffee table, toy chest, or end table. They honestly try to help each other climb higher and higher

The worst part about all of this is that there are 2 of them and it is impossible to be in 2 places at once. One of them inevitably succeeds in his accent while we are catching the other!

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