Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trouble Makers

Dear Lord,

Please watch over these boys and protect them because we most certainly can't be in 2 places at once. These boys are crazy! They are mischievous and fast and adventurous and most importantly there are 2 of them. They feed off each other, watching the other's every move and taking it all in. On a daily basis they find a new and higher place to climb. We've stripped down the kitchen and living room to the bare bones and babyproofed our brains out, and yet they still find new ways of raising our blood pressure. Will is balls-to-the-wall adventurous and Henry is manipulative and crazy smart. Put them together and its a recipe for disaster. Just ask Will about when Henry almost set him on fire or the incident with the butcher knife! Yep, fun times. Yet, despite the gray hair inducing shenanigans, these boys are amazing. They are truly such a blessing and we'll keep reminding ourselves of that the next time we have a mild heart attack.


Henry's new found passion is climbing onto the bar stools and then onto the high counters.
He even takes time to help Daddy with the taxes ;) Notice the trash cans on the counter? Yep. That was the temporary solution to garbage obsessed twins. We've fixed it now.
What is this, you may ask? Only twins with super human strength who ripped off a bar from the gate and made a mad dash up the stairs. Yes, that's right. With one hard yank, they were free.

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