Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Well, the time has come! Jack is officially headed to Kindergarten in the fall. **tear**

Graduation was a hoot, complete with white cap and gown and all the pomp and circumstance. Jack, of course, was Jack--a goofball who was super excited about graduation and yet didn't take it too seriously. He had talked about it for weeks and spilled the beans on everything we should expect even though it was supposed to be a secret for the parents ;)

The teachers asked every kid what they wanted to thank their parents for. Almost every child said something completely sweet and endearing--thank you for loving me, thank you for giving me a home, thank you for playing with me. Not Jack...
As for taking graduation seriously and performing all the songs with his class, not Jack either...

So proud of our little graduate!

Nana and Papa were there too!

Mommy's boys!
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1 comment:

  1. I love Jack's "thank you." At least you know he is honest, and not copying what the kid in front of him said!

    And I can relate...In Sunday school, all the kids pray for things like "God's family" and "my parents" and nice, thoughtful things. But Soren prays for "pretzels and race cars," and Nora prays for "our dog, Cinder." We do not have a dog.
