Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Jack Jack

How is it that Jack is 5 years old today?!?! Where has the time gone and how did he go from my sweet first baby to such a strong independent boy? And, let's be serious. How is it that he starts kindergarten in 2 weeks??? Ugh, bring out the tissues now because Momma's a mess!

Jack keeps us on our toes in both good and bad ways. He is smart (sometimes too smart for his own good), funny, caring, compassionate, high strung, outgoing, and an absolutely amazing big brother. He is still super duper tall (98th percentile) and super duper skinny (60th percentile). He is energetic and is constantly on the go which is why he takes swimming lessons and plays soccer and spends as much time as possible running and jumping! He is also content to read a book, play on the iPad or his laptop, watch a show about dinosaurs, or collect "treasures". He fights us at meal times even though he is hungry but could snack ALL DAY LONG! He is very strong willed and is figuring out how to exert his independence while still obeying us and the rules. In fact, he is quick to remind us of God's rules, ie the Ten Commandments, and likes to point out when WE are breaking one!

Jack is a challenge but such an incredible joy. He makes us want to pull our hair out one minute and laugh hysterically the next and we go to bed every night thanking God for bringing us such an incredible gift in Jack.

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