Thursday, October 27, 2011

Boo Boo and Bambaids

I always said that fearless Will would be the first of the 3 boys to injure himself and make us comtemplate a trip to the ER. I never thought that sweet, reserved Henry would actually give us the first scare!

Here is the drama:

A few weeks ago, Mommy was upstairs putting laundry away and Daddy was on baby duty. He called up to ask him the twins were with me because he hadn't seem them in 30 SECONDS but of course they weren't. We scoured the house and finally realized they somehow escaped into the garage. As Mommy went out to retrieve them, she noticed what she thought was red wine or paint on the floor until she realized it was on every surface imaginable in the garage--the fridge door, the side of the deep freezer, the wine cabinet handles, and all over the toys. Instantly we knew one of them was bleeding but the ironic thing was that both were super happy and not crying and BOTH were covered in blood!!!!

We picked them up and ran into the house to wash them off and find out who was bleeding and from where. Turns out all the blood was coming from one cut on Henry's thumb. Unfortunately it was super deep and wouldn't. stop. bleeding. All I could think about was how (logistically) I could get him to the E.R. with 2 other kids in tow! Luckily we didn't have to do that because we managed to get the bleeding to stop after 45 minutes, liquid bandaid, and lots of bandaids.

Henry was such a champ. He literally never cried once and was quite proud of his "boo boo" and always wanted to show of his "bambaid" :)
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