Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pinterest Pride

Let me just begin by saying what a time suck Pinterest has become.  I spend hours planning super healthy meals for my family (that I rarely make), home decorating projects that are still on my to-do list, crafts for the kids that will never get done, and workouts that (if I actually did them) will make me a model.  That said, I LOVE it.  For all the items I pin I maybe end up doing 1 out of 10.  But those 10% are wonderful and more times than not, I am super pleased with the outcome.  Since this blog is about the kids, here is a condensed list of some of my Pinterest successes that relate to the kids:

**Toy Rotation System--this has actually been GREAT. We got rid of a ton of toys before the big move and then put the remaining toys in big plastic bins.  We now rotate out the toys every couple of days and everytime we bring out a differnt toy bin its like Christmas morning all over!  The kids actually play with all their toys now instead of just throwing them all over the playroom to be walked all over.

** Clipboards to display art--we hung up colorful clipboards on the wall in the playroom to display the art (thousands of pieces of paper with one scribble each).  Now it doesn't have to be taped to my refridgerator and the kids get pride out of the display.

**Magnetic Drip Pan--as most moms know, stainless steel appliances are awesome but aren't magnetic.  What are we supposed to do with all the magnetic letters?  Buys a $10 car drip pan from Walmart of course!!!  This genius I tell you.  Screw it to the wall and give the kids hours of enjoyment!

(my picture inspiration from Pinterest (left) and Will (right))

**Painted Canvases--we gave these away as Christmas presents last year and they were a huge hit.  Just take letter stickers and write out whatever you want on the canvas.  The kids paint to their hearts content and when the paint dries and the stickers are removed--personalized art!!!

**As you may recall, the twins had a Finding Nemo birthday party and we created 15 fish from paper lanterns and hung them all over the house.  Super easy and the smiles on the kids faces were priceless!

**Homemade Valentines--Jack and I made these together.  Super quick, easy, and so much more personal that store bought ones!

Oh the food--really Pinterest provides so many great ideas for fun food.  Just look at these adorable cookies and treats we made over the holidays for Jack to bring to school!  Makes me excited for this school year as well :)

If you are on Pinterest, make sure to follow me and I'll do that same!!!
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