Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Excuse me! There must be some sort of confusion because we thought we left Chicago last year and left those nasty winters behind us! Alas, it seems as though Old Man Winter followed us back to Virginia! When the first round of wintry whiteness (a.k.a. Snowpocalypse) hit Virginia Beach the whole city panicked and shut down so we were stuck in the house for days. Jack didn't mind, of course, because it meant that he could play outside. You see, even though he witnessed an unnatural amount of snow while living in Chicago he unfortunately doesn't remember it at all so this year it was as if he had never seen snow before. Needless to say, he loved it.

Just like his Daddy he insists on wearing his sunglasses everywhere. As you can see, he was so anxious to get out and play that he forgot to take the price sticker off his new glasses and didn't seem to be too bothered by the dark spot in his vision :)Snow angels!!!!
Playing with Daddy
Will and Henry decided to stay warm indoors...